Cybersecurity Analyst Quiz app for iPhone and iPad

4.4 ( 8864 ratings )
Business Education
Developer: Jason Dion
Current version: 1.0, last update: 7 years ago
First release : 25 Sep 2017
App size: 20.05 Mb

Prepare for what it is like to take the CompTIA CSA+ (CS0-001) Certification Exam!

Each practice quiz comes with 40 questions to complete in 60 minutes, each carefully hand-crafted question to put you to the test and prepare you to pass the exam with confidence.

All questions are based on the Exam Objectives for the CompTIA CSA+ (CS0-001) exam for all 4 domains of the exam, so you can take and pass the actual CompTIA CSA+ Certification Exam with confidence!

You wont be hoping you are ready, you will know you are ready to sit for and pass the exam. After practicing these tests and scoring an 85% or higher on them, you will be ready to PASS on the first attempt and avoid costly re-schedule fees, saving you time and money.

This app is routinely updated to ensure it stays current and up-to-date with the latest release of the CompTIA CSA+ exam (CS0-001).